
Created by a collective of artists

The Wheel of Life

The Wheel of Life embraces the whole of existence, it is of the same extent as the cosmos and it contains all living beings .

It is constantly turning. It turns day and night. It turns life after life. It turns era after era. We can not know when it started turning and we do not know when it will stop .

All of us who are in this wheel are all tending towards the same and ultimate goal which is Happiness, Love.

Is it not that what these 4 humans are trying to achieve? Getting closer? To touch? To unite ? And their whole being is stretched in the same dynamic that should be the universal dynamic !

This magnificent work is 105 cm high with a wheel 100 cm in diameter.

It is made using different materials.

We have cement for the base. The metal composes the Wheel and each Human is made of wood of Suar, carved by hand.

Metal and cement give it a very contemporary character while the wood brings warmth and softness. Thanks to this set of materials, this sculpture can find remains in each of us.